
Did you know that cats can recognize you even if you haven’t seen each other in years? They have such an excellent memory

Ferenczi Deborah

2023. April 29 - Photos:  Getty Images Hungary

A person can remember for a long time those whom he has already met during his life. However, researchers were also extremely interested in the question of how long cats can remember a person.


Whether cats are able to remember people depends primarily on the functioning of their long-term and short-term memory. It is indisputable that the cognitive abilities of cats are highly developed, but science was mostly interested in whether, for example, the cat could recognize its owner if it had not seen its owner for years.

Do cats remember people?

First of all, it is worth knowing that the short-term memory of the animal is approx. It can be stored for 16 hours, but there is no specified time for the preservation of its long-term memories. The researchers believe that it is likely that if, say, you moved abroad and your cat stayed at home with other family members, but you visit home years later, it will recognize you. The reason for this is that they are able to acquire memories not only visually, but also through smell, touch and associative memory.

Cats also remember each other

It is also interesting that studies have shown that cats raised together are able to form such a strong bond with each other that they even feel a loss when they are separated. Thus, it is not surprising that these kittens get to know each other on the occasion of the reunion, since a bond has developed between them before.

Does your cat miss you when you leave home ?

Another interesting question is whether your kitty misses you when you leave home. The fact is that in their case, the feeling of separation anxiety is much rarer than in dogs, since they get on very well alone. Interestingly, studies have shown that cats do not change their behavior when they are left alone. But of course there are cats who are more stressed without their owner.

Do cats remember people then?

Cats can indeed remember people, but that doesn’t mean they’re constantly thinking about us when we’re not around. Rather, it refers to the fact that when you meet again, he will be happy for you and recognize you, even after a long time. And the key to this is associative memory. Maybe if he smells you or hears your voice, he’ll recognize you right away. Especially if he was strongly attached to you. So you don’t have to worry about your cat not recognizing you after a long absence. You will surely be pleased!

attachment cat brain cat love cat memories cat memory cat recognizes the owner insist the cat separation anxiety

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