
The world’s weirdest cat: this is what it was eating

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. April 22 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

This cat has a very strange taste, and in fact, it shouldn't even eat such things.


The cat in the video below wants nothing more than Chinese cabbage. Which is not exactly a usual taste. It obviously likes it, even though it doesn’t really need any vegetables. We’ll explain why in a moment, but first let’s see the footage!

Predator to the core

As we have written about this many times, cats are obligate carnivores. What exactly does this mean? For example, unlike dogs, they do not need a mixed diet, as they get all the nutrients they need from ingredients of animal sources.

This does not mean that they cannot eat anything else; almost all of their diet should consist of meat.

Check the ingredients of your cat’s food!

So you should choose a diet with only a small amount of vegetables or grains for your pet. If the food contains too much of these – and unfortunately this is the case with cheaper products – it can have a bad effect on the animal’s digestion and can lead to deficiency diseases, diabetes and obesity.

Careful with dog food

Because of the above, you should be very careful with food for dogs. If you give them to your cat once in a while, your pet will probably be fine. But don’t offer it wet food, dry food or treats on a regular basis. Their composition is not suitable for your cat and can lead to health problems – vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach pain, long-term nutritional deficiencies, etc.

In addition, dog food and dog treats are also harder, so your cat may not be able to chew them, and this might lead to choking.

If you want to know which food you should never give to your cat, click here.

dog food fruit obligate carnivore predator vegetables

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