
10 foods you should never feed your cat, because they can make him seriously ill: dog food can also harm him

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2022. November 27 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Since cats are very picky, owners are right to think that the finicky cat knows best what's good for him. But the formula is more complicated than that, because they may turn up their noses at less fresh food, but that doesn't mean they can resist a portion of succulent tinned tuna. And that's a problem...


Contrary to popular belief, canned tuna is not healthy for cats, either for human consumption or exclusively for animal feed. You might not even wonder why. The list below answers that, as it does for other foods to avoid.

1. Tuna (canned)

Eating tuna regularly, or even excessively, can lead to a serious addiction in your cat, who will most likely become malnourished. Indeed, tuna can be a real health hazard, as it can cause mercury poisoning, which can lead to serious damage to vital organs and even long-term organ failure.

2. Onions, garlic, spring onions and chives

Onions in any form: raw, ground into powder, cooked or dried are also very dangerous because they break down the red blood cells of the cat, which in turn causes anaemia. Even eating one large or many small portions of onion can result in severe poisoning. Garlic and chives are five times as toxic to kittens as onions, can cause serious complications and can even be life-threatening if eaten.

3. Dog food

When you’ve just run out of cat food and no shops are open, you can fit a portion of dog food into your menu as a last resort, every now and then. However, their composition is very different from cat food. For example, they do not contain taurine, which cannot be produced by the cat’s body and whose absence leads to blindness. In addition, cat food contains a higher proportion of meat, which is much needed. Dog food should never replace cat food in the long term!

4.Alcoholic drinks/food

Alcoholic beverages or alcohol-flavoured food are not good for the cat, just as (excessive) alcohol consumption is not good for humans. It has just as damaging effects on the brain and liver in cats as it does in humans. Only in their case, even a few drops of alcohol can have serious consequences. A cat weighing two to three kilos can fall into a coma after just two teaspoons of whisky, and a third teaspoon of whisky can cause death. The higher the alcohol content, the more serious the poisoning.

5. Grapes and raisins

As delicious as both are to humans, don’t reward your cat with fruit, either fresh or dried. This is because their consumption causes renal failure, the first symptoms of which are recurrent vomiting and hyperactivity.

6. Caffeinated drinks/foods, chocolate

Too much of these can be harmful or even fatal to a cat, and unfortunately there is no cure for poisoning. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning include restlessness, heart rhythm disturbance, rapid breathing and muscle tremors. In addition to tea and coffee, caffeine is found in cocoa powder, chocolate and energy drinks, but it is also present in some cold medicines and some painkillers.

Chocolate is also toxic to cats.

7. Human medicine

Ingestion of a prescription drug is the leading cause of poisonings, so although not necessarily a food, it is on the list. As with children, the
keep medicines away from cats too. Only give your cat human medicine with the vet’s approval, because what is a painkiller that makes you feel better is a deadly poison for your cat!

8. Fatty trimmings, bones

Eating both fatty trimmings and bones can be dangerous for cats. Eating raw and cooked fatty trimmings causes indigestion and diarrhoea. And eating (broken) bones can tear or puncture the digestive tract or cause a blockage.

9. Raw eggs

Raw eggs contain two bacteria, salmonella and E-coli. Both cause food poisoning. The second problem is the protein in raw eggs called avidin, which can prevent the absorption of vitamin B. This leads to skin problems, flaky-looking fur and hair loss.

10. Raw meat, fish and liver

Although cats are primarily adapted to eating raw meat, these can all contain food poisoning bacteria. Raw feeding is becoming more common, but it is only safe if the meat is guaranteed not to have spoiled and has only been stored (in the fridge!) for a maximum of two days. Eating raw fish destroys thiamine, a vital vitamin for kittens. A vitamin B deficiency can cause nervous system problems in the form of twitching and tremors, which can lead to coma. Excessive liver consumption can lead to vitamin A poisoning, causing deformities of the bones and spine, and even osteoporosis, which can be fatal.

If the cat has consumed any food/ drink that is poisonous to it, it should be taken to a vet immediately as only rapid and professional intervention can save its life. Do not try home remedies such as drinking milk or vomiting to relieve the symptoms, as this will not help!

Always consult your vet about the correct feeding of your kitten so that your pet is safe.

alcohol caffeine for cats care Chocolate chocolate toxic dog food feeding the cat Health onion poisoning poisonous food raw eggs raw meat toxic chocolate toxic medicines tuna vines

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