
This cute wild cat dances better than Michael Jackson (video)

Hangai Lilla

2024. April 25 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

It's simply impossible not to love the most expressive of wildcats! If you don't believe us, we've brought a bunch of evidence in the form of sweet, cute, and smile-inducing videos.


These potato-bodied beauties, known as Pallas’s cats or manuls, have been internet stars for years, and we’re not surprised in the slightest. In their movements, facial expressions, and reactions, they sometimes take on frighteningly human characteristics. It’s impossible to get enough of them, and luckily, you don’t have to; today, we’ve brought you 6 incredibly cute manul videos. Share them with those who could use a little heartwarming smile!

1.) Even Michael Jackson himself would bow to the talent of this guy:


2.) Sitting in front of his hut at the Novosibirsk Zoo, this little resident tries to keep his paws on his tail so it doesn’t touch the snow:


3.) A young mother and her 6 sweet offspring also from the Novosibirsk Zoo:


4.) This is even better than chocolate:


5.) Snezhinka (Snowflake), the 6-month-old Pallas’s cat, greets her caretaker with such exuberance as he brings her a mouthwatering mouse dinner. At this age, manuls are still friendly, but when they reach puberty, they truly become wild.


5.) Timofey, the beautiful resident of the Moscow Zoo, sets out to hunt:

cat videos cute video manul pallas's cat video wildcat

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