
These 10 things cats don’t like at all! Too much and too little attention can irritate them

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2023. June 11 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

It is common knowledge that cats generally do not like dogs, and some breeds or individuals do not even like their own kind, but the list of dislikes is far from over.


There are 10 things that cats don’t like. It doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the things below, because in addition to causing displeasure, some of them can even make the cat sick!

1. Smells

In general, cats are particularly sensitive to smells. However, there are some scents that they really dislike. While most people love the refreshing scent of lemon, thyme or rosemary, the situation is different for cats. They can’t stand these scents, and the pleasant smell of bananas, mustard, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree oil and menthol is similarly “stinky” for them. Many essential oils are toxic to cats, and they instinctively run away from these scents. Never use a product containing one of the above oils on your cat!

2. Excessive attention

Every cat owner knows that cats are independent, freedom-loving creatures that sometimes crave solitude. They don’t like to be petted all the time but like to withdraw into their own little world. Respect the boundaries drawn by your cat, and don’t force your company on it.

3. Too little attention

Cats cannot be called simple in the least, they can easily confuse the owner with their behavior. One moment they are still offended, and the next they are demanding attention and petting. They love solitude, but at the same time, they need the owner’s love more than anything else. Among other things, they make you understand by rubbing up against you. In such cases, always return their kindness with a caress. If you have to travel for a long time, never leave the cat completely alone, because it does not tolerate being alone for a long time. In such cases, ask a family member, friend or neighbor to supervise it while you are away. If there is no one you can trust with a good heart, a cat hotel or a cat sitter is a solution.

4. Medication

As a cat owner, this is nothing new to you: cats hate taking medicine! It doesn’t matter if the vet prescribed it in the form of syrup or tablets, even if it’s sardine-flavored, it’s a serious problem to medicate them. This is because the cat does not understand why the medicine is needed, and forcing it to take the pill is very scary for it.

The easiest way to medicate them is to wrap the cat in a towel (so it doesn’t scratch you). Put the medicine in its mouth and then gently but firmly hold its mouth open, as this will force him to swallow the medicine. Syrup can be easily administered from a syringe or mixed into its favourite food. As much as the kitty hates it, this is what needs to be done to help it recover.

5. Stale or spoiled food

This does not need any special explanation, as the cat with an extremely sensitive sense of smell immediately sniffs it out if the food is not fresh. Wet food loses its appetizing taste, color and texture very quickly after being opened or left in the feeding bowl, so only give the kitten as much as it will eat. Dry food also loses its aroma after a few days, so it must also be replaced. After opening, the feed should be stored in an airtight container.

6. Competition

Cats are competitive types by nature. They don’t really like strangers entering their territory, and show this aggressively if necessary. When you have a new kitten, gradual introduction is the key. In the first days, keep them in a separate room, then they can get to know each other carefully. Usually, the old and new kittens get used to each other within eight weeks, but if this does not happen in that time, then for the sake of the physical health of both cats, it is better to find a new owner for the second kitten, no matter how painful this decision may be.

7. Loud noises

If you drop a plate or play your favorite music too loud, you won’t be the most popular among your cat. Because cats’ ears are more refined than humans, so what is just “not so quiet” to us, is equivalent to the volume of an explosion for them. A good example of this is their panicked escape when the vacuum cleaner is turned on, there is hardly any cat that is not afraid of the noise of the machine: for them it is really deafening, just like the sound of fireworks.

8. Stroking and scratching the tummy

Unlike dogs, cats hate it when their owners stroke their bellies. Namely, because they instinctively know that this is one of the most vulnerable parts of their body. An unexpected caress in this area can cause biting or scratching, so it is better to only caress the base of the cat’s ears or the area under the chin.

9. Bathing

Have you ever tried to bathe a cat alone or with help at home? If so, please accept my sincere condolences! There is no other way to describe it: cats really hate bathing and will do everything in their power to prevent the process from being performed. Bathing, however is unavoidable, for example in the case of fleas or a soiled, dirty coat. If you cannot bathe the cat despite the lukewarm water and the softest water jet, then leave the matter to a cat groomer.

10. Combing

No small child likes to have their hair combed, and it’s the same with cats. They do not like grooming, however, in the case of long-haired breeds, this is unavoidable, due to the felting and tangling. You can gradually get them used to being combed, this should be started when they are calm and willing to snuggle with you. However, if the initial strong objection remains, as with bathing, it is better to entrust this to a groomer. Regular care of the fur of long-haired cats is also important, because only the clipper can help with a completely matted, tangled fur!

cat bathing competition fear feeding a cat Life noises Petting what the cat hates

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