
6 changes in cat behavior that indicate a problem: a change in grooming routine be a cause for concern

Ferenczi Deborah

2022. October 27 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

It may happen that your cat has been behaving completely normally, but from one moment to the next, it changes almost completely. This change in behavior can occur in many areas, for example, eating habits or in the mental field, but sometimes even digestive problems can occur.


It is important to know that health or social problems are often hidden behind behavioral changes. While others are simply personality changes that appear as the cat ages.

Mood changes

Mood changes are extremely common. This is especially true for sudden shifts in aggressive behavior. So, if your cat was calm until now, and now is quite aggressive, it could probably be caused by some kind of underlying problem. This can often be caused by serious pain or, fear. Resolving aggressive behavior can mean removing the cause of pain or fear, as well as calming the cat down. In such cases, you must always look for the root cause in order to be able to deal with the problem properly.

Changes in eating behavior

It may happen that you do not experience mood changes in the animal, but its appetite changes significantly. Well, again, this may indicate that there may be some serious stress or illness in the background. The most common reasons are:

  • Hyperthyroidism increases the cat’s appetite and food intake without weight gain.
  • Dental disease or stress can reduce a cat’s appetite.
  • Hairballs can make your cat feel nauseous, bloated, and not interested in food.
  • Any serious illness and pain can cause the cat to lose its appetite.

If you experience a drastic change in the animal’s eating habits, you may want to consult a veterinarian immediately.

Playing behavior changes

It can also be a cause for concern if the previously playful cat does not seek your company, has become much more withdrawn, and its playfulness is no longer the same. Because if the kitten feels bad or is sick, it can easily lose interest in fun. In this case, you should monitor it for a few days, and if your mood does not return, you should definitely contact a specialist.

Occurrence of digestive problems

If your cat, who was extremely clean until then, starts to struggle with urinary or defecation problems, then there may be a serious problem in the background. These are usually problems related to increased stress, fear, and lack of proper treatment. It often happens that they want to send you something with this, or maybe they want to demand more attention.

Change in sleeping habits

Cats who don’t feel well enough and sleep more than usual often show completely altered sleep patterns. They can be characterized by excessive disinterest and abandoning everything that was important to them until then. If you experience this, you must consult a veterinarian.

Changes in the grooming routine

Grooming is a cat’s natural activity, and it can even be said to be a necessity, so if you notice it being neglected, you should definitely contact a professional. The appearance of hair loss, tearing, and possibly other skin problems can indicate a serious health or mental problem.

cat behaviour cat mental illness health problem sick cat symptoms of the disease

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