
How to reassure your cat during fireworks or firecrackers? 7 tips that will surely help you

Ferenczi Deborah

2023. December 30 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

For animals, the period between New Year and holidays can be quite stressful. Among the reasons for this are the presence of many unfamiliar guests and sudden changes in the environment. However, it can be even more frustrating when fireworks or firecrackers go off. Unfortunately, these loud noises can terrify any animal, including cats. That's why it may be worth trying the following tips to make the holiday season more bearable for your pet.


The following tips, if not entirely, will certainly help your cat calm down on New Year’s Eve and cope better with the terrible noise of fireworks and firecrackers.

1. Stay with it at home

It is crucial to understand that these loud sounds can be incredibly frustrating for your cat. Therefore, it is necessary not to leave them alone in the house during such times, as it can be extremely frightening for them. At least one person from the family should stay with them at home so that they don’t feel completely alone and vulnerable.

2. Stay calm

Your calmness is as important as theirs, so never show fear because the animal will immediately sense it. Be composed, and be the rock-solid calmness they can turn to in their fear.

3. Close everything where the cat could escape on New Year’s Eve

The most important advice is to close everything where the animal could escape because during this period, cats tend to run away when scared. Check that every door, window, or possible opening is closed, as such escapes often lead to serious accidents.

4. Cover the windows

It may be worth using blackout curtains to cover the windows or pulling down the blinds so that the animal doesn’t accidentally see the frightening light effects. The latter also somewhat muffles the sound.

5. Classical music

Another good solution may be to play soothing, pleasant classical music for your pet. It is highly likely that this will divert its attention. Help them relax, reduce stress, and make it easier for them to calm down. There are playlists specifically designed for cats, but classical music alone also soothes the animal and reduces anxiety.

6. Distract it with a game

It may be worth using some toy during fireworks or firecrackers that can divert the animal’s attention from the outside noise. Choose a toy that you know always cheers your cat up and completely occupies it. It could be something that stimulates their hunting instinct, and by focusing on it, they might even forget what is happening outside.

7. Make a safe place for it

It may be worth creating a safe, cozy space for the cat where they can feel completely comfortable. During this time, the animal likely needs a place to hide from the world for a bit.

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