
Their nature encourages cats to jump on the counter and table: we show you how to teach them not to

Hangai Lilla

2023. October 29 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Cats treat the entire area of the house as their own territory, so it's not worth blaming or punishing them if they jump up to places we don't want them to jump. However, we do not doubt for a moment that this can be very dangerous for both cats and humans.


We will now briefly show why a cat jumps on the table or the counter and also discuss how you can manage the bahviour.

Why a cats jumps on the table or counter?

Kitchen counters and tables attract cats like magnets for several reasons. They are full of strange objects and mouth-wateringly fragrant food, and they can be much closer to you. If you’ve noticed which of these things motivates your cat the most, you’ll be able to correct them more easily with the tricks presented below.

Cats also love heights. Guided by their instincts, in order to make the most efficient use of their natural abilities, they like to look at what is happening from above. Not only do they feel safer this way, but they also get more use out of their supersonic vision.

Kitchen counters are, to put it mildly, scent orgies for a kitty. Just as they get to know the owner’s natural scent through a perfume cloud, cleaning agents do not suppress the scent of all delicious delicacies either. However, cleaning agents can also be a source of danger. Although it rarely occurs, stronger agents which contains hypo, hydrochloric acid or other disinfectants can cause problems by inhalation or direct contact. It is enough if only an allergic reaction occurs due to them.

Cats are particularly attracted to fresh, running water. And not just to drink it. (Many cats only drink from a running faucet or a drinking bowl that bubbles like a small fountain.) They also really like to play with it, so it’s a constant temptation.

These tools are at your disposal

You will probably have to prepare for many trials and even more failures, but don’t give up! As with all training, consistency is the most important here, and of course patience. Never scold your pet and try to perceive this as a challenge, a game, so that your tension cannot transfer to your pet.

Using the clicker requires energy and presence on the part of the owner, but it is a very effective method. Cats respond much better to positive reinforcement instead of punishment. So your relationship is not harmed in the process. If you see your cat spying on the progress of events from the counter, offer it a snack, catnip or its favorite toy to lure him away from there. After it jumps down, match the snack with the sound of the clicker. Later on, you won’t need a snack anymore. The sound of the clicker is intertwined with positive experiences, and it will be enough on its own to find a new throne for your kitty.

Another very good tip is to make the apartment more cat-friendly. You can get scratching posts or cat ladders, and you can even install shelves that are not for books, but for the cat. The more such places it has, the less interesting the counter will be. From time to time, you can hide a snack for your pet in these places.

If it is clear that it is not the food or curiosity that attracts the kitty, it is worth examining the conditions of the drinking bowl. Does it always have fresh (very fresh) water? Is it in an easily accessible location? Shouldn’t it be afraid of other pets or foreign intruders? Is it far enough from the litter tray? If you have fixed these, it may be worth changing the water several times a day. You can even cool it with an ice cube. Many cats clearly prefer cold water to room temperature water.

cat instinct cat jumps on the counter cat jumps up on the table Life teaching

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