
Why do cats always smell good?

Hangai Lilla

2024. April 6 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

You must have noticed that dogs can have a very strong aroma when the situation calls for it, but cats always smell nice? If you have ever wondered why this might be, know that you are not alone!


It will immediately become clear from the following why cats smell distinctively good. Except, of course, when they have just eaten some salmon…

Fluffy, nutty, fresh linen

We all know that cats are extremely clean animals, spending 30-50% of their day washing and cleaning. However, this does not necessarily mean that they smell good or are pleasant to smell. Most owners, when asked, will tell you something different about what their pet smells like. Some people compare it to fresh, sun-dried bedding, others detect a nutty aroma on their kittens, while others describe the scent as simply fluffy.

Although cats produce many different pheromones in the scent glands on their bodies, which they use to communicate with their peers and to transmit and process information, we do not sense them. Unless, of course, our beautiful male tom cat pees on the side of something. Now that would be hard to miss!

The survival of cats may depend on their being odourless, which they do a lot to achieve. However, the development of the different aromas that humans like is different in different cats. Here’s the list of ingredients for a unique perfume.

The scent takes you straight to heaven!

That’s why the cat smells so good

This provides the basis

For something to smell good, you first have to neutralise the base. For cats, not carrying a strong odour is essential, because in the wild, as well as being predators, they are also prey. They are odourless, making it easier for them to hide from predators who are after them, and because they ambush, i.e. observe their prey, they are not noticeable by their scent, even at relatively close range.

If you spent 5 hours a day washing yourself – like the average cat – you’d probably smell fantastic even at the most critical moments. However, to achieve a perfectly groomed and odour-free coat, tabbies not only invest the time, they also have the right tools. They have tiny spines, called papillae, on their tongues, which help them to remove dirt from their fur more easily. It’s like a wet little brush.

You are what you eat

As how our scent is affected by what we eat, cats are affected as well. We’ve pointed out many times that, unlike dogs, cats are obligate carnivores, which means that they need almost exclusively animal food, which they can digest successfully. Feeding them a good quality, easily digestible, high protein diet will result in healthier internal functioning and therefore a better smell.

Clean house, clean cat

For an indoor cat, a smoke-free and clean home will also help to keep your pet smelling good. Always falling asleep on a neat, spotless bed, and not being surrounded by smoke – what other smell could you have but a pleasant one?

If the cat smells

If you think your pet has an unpleasant smell, it’s possible that it’s just an accident or he’s fallen into something. However, it’s worth checking it over carefully as there’s a good chance that it’s due to an illness. It may be a dental problem, inflammation of the anal glands, digestive problems, incontinence or kidney disease, to name but a few. So it is important that if you are unsure, make an appointment with your vet!

Oh, and one more thing: if your pet’s breath has a distinctive sweet, fruity, acetone smell, it may have diabetes. In this case, too, go to the vet immediately!

Click here to find out what other important reasons cats have for licking themselves other than grooming.

cat feeding cat smell scent glands smell of cat washing

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