
This is what a kitten in love with fluffy ducklings looks like

Hangai Lilla

2024. May 6 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

We've written many times that you probably won't see anything cuter than this today, but we're going to go out on a limb and say that you won’t see anything as cute as this this year.


This sweet kitty nurses and cuddles the two fluffy ducklings as if they were their own.

What can we see in the video?

When two pets, a predator and a prey grow up together, they are often considered to be no threat to each other. Also, they have an abundance of resources, so they do not see each other as competition either. Cats, when they consider someone close to them or as a family member, they are honoured by their instinct to groom them. Not only does this rid the other party of parasites, but it also strengthens their bond.

In this article, we discuss the details of the strange relationship between a cow and a leopard. You can find out why the big cat visited the cattle at night. Moreover, why they snuggled up together, cuddling and purring.

cute video duckling kitten kitty video

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