
This simple trick can totally confuse your cat

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. April 16 - Photo: Getty Images Hungary

Watching the footage, we both laugh and feel the cat's disappointment.


The poor kitty is searching in vain for a treat but cannot find it in the hands of the owner. You can see why below:


A more interesting question is what is the reason why a cat can be fooled by such an infinitely simple trick. On one hand, it may be the owner’s way of rewarding the pet, who is rightly expecting a treat this time too. On the other hand, the cat does not see very well up close, which may also explain the clumsy reaction. The boundary line can be drawn at 25 centimetres: anything within this limit can easily escape your cat’s attention. That’s why they instinctively like to look at things from a distance, from a great height.

Cats can’t see clearly up close

We can imagine that the owner’s hand really does smell of food, and this is what leads the animal astray. Whatever the reason behind the behaviour, we admit our hearts went out to the poor kitty, who was apparently looking forward to see what its owner would give.

Speaking of tricks, did you know that there are certain breeds that are considered highly intelligent and so easily trainable? Click here to find out who they are.

cat video teaching trick video vision

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