
It was a close call for the kitty as it was almost snatched by a hawk (video)

Hangai Lilla

2024. April 19 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

A confident and mighty bird of prey attacked the cat, but luckily something stood in its way. As pet owners, it's worth paying attention to this.


In the video, you can clearly see the huge hawk swooping down on the tiny, fluffy cat lounging on the instrument panel, who had no idea how lucky it was. The bird evidently didn’t want to give up, but ultimately decided to move away. As we humans continue to expand our living space, wild animals are being pushed out of their natural habitats. It’s not at all uncommon for a predatory bird to attack easy prey. Even if that prey is a small pet instead of a mouse rummaging near the flower bed. We shouldn’t condemn or harm wild animals because of this, but we should strive to protect our four-legged companions from similar attacks. Indoor housing not only protects them, but also the songbirds that they might prey on for food or entertainment. With spring here, this is becoming an increasingly relevant topic.


As you can see in the following video, you don’t have to live in the countryside for a similar incident to occur. This extremely determined yet beautiful crested caracara, for example, had its eye on this cat peacefully stretching in front of the window.


Although in this case, the window protected the tuxedoed fellow, during a ventilation break, he might not have been so lucky. Even if the owner is nearby. We recommend installing stronger mosquito, but preferably cat nets on windows and balcony doors for the safety of your cat.

bird cat video kitty video

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