
The creepy cat stare: why they peer into our souls?

Hangai Lilla

2023. May 6 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

When you wake up to find your cat staring at you, or when you look up while you're at work and realize that he's probably been staring unblinkingly from the corner for many minutes, it's not because he's plotting your destruction. Or at least there's no evidence of that yet...


If you’ve already observed it, great, if you haven’t, now we’ll say that the way the cat is stare at the moment has 2 main subgroups: the hard look and the soft look. Don’t worry, you can’t mix them up, cats don’t sell surprise packets. In order to calm you and ourselves too, we have collected some possible reasons with which we try to rule out the possibility that we can say goodbye to our life by a cat raid.

The cat watches because he wants something

If your cat is looking at you with its tail up and ears pointing upward, it is showing satisfaction and probably wants something from you or wants to communicate something. He may be trying to warn you that the holy hour of his feeding is approaching dangerously fast. But it could also be that the me time is over and he would like to welter on the ground with you for a bit, or he would expect you to stroke his shiny and silky fur – only in the grain.

Don’t hold yourself back, if it’s not even time to feed him yet, feel free to reward him with 1-2 mouth-watering snacks or a well-deserved stroke.

Or because he is afraid of something

You definitely need to pay attention to this hard look, no matter how busy you are. You can’t leave him at that if something scared him or he saw something that upset him. This is usually accompanied by body language radiating tension: he wags his tail or just holds it down, raises the hair on his back and tail or simply tenses up his body, his ears are pushed back. The pupils are also wide at this time.

If it’s not clear why he’s behaving this way, simply try to comfort him. It is important that he feels that you are there for him.

Maybe because he’s nosie

Cats are incredibly curious creatures by nature and always want to know what’s going on. They might just be watching you to see if you’re doing something interesting. Cats mostly hunt based on visual cues, so when they go on a raid, they need to be extra alert. The laser focus of indoor cats is concentrated on things going on in the household and on family members and owners.

But he may also want to show you care

If you catch your kitty gazing and he blinks at you slowly, or peeks at you through half-closed eyelids, it’s like getting a kiss from him. And perhaps we can all agree that this secretly winked “I love you!” is the most wonderful thing a cat can give a person. In addition, if your pet often looks at you like this, you can be sure that he feels safe and calm. Come on with that snack bag!

However, it is also possible that he is angry

The body language of an anxious cat is similar to the frightened cat. The expanded pupil indicates danger and is even accompanied by sound effects, then it is better to back off. The kitty needs space. It’s best to look away from him and let him calm down at his own pace.

Based on these, you probably also got an answer as to whether it is permissible to graze your eyes on the cat when he is also examining you. If the look is harsh, try to calm him down by avoiding eye contact. If the look is soft, feel free to return it, it will not upset him.

cat body language cat eye cat watching the owner curious cat the cat stares the cat wants something

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