
How do you know your cat loves you? 7 typical behaviors with which it expresses it

Ferenczi Deborah

2023. August 11 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Interestingly, compared to dogs, cats are much more difficult to show that they have a crush on someone or they really love that person. It's true that they don't exactly share their feelings with the world, but it's also certain that after a short observation you can find out exactly when your cat is trying to let you know that it loves you.


Many studies suggest that your kitty actually sees you almost as a member of the family. However, many cat owners may think that their cat doesn’t even like them. Well, cats can actually show how much they love you with very ordinary things! Here are the signs that a cat shows if it loves its owner.

1. Licks you

If your cat licks you, it is very likely that it wants to show you its love. In this case, appreciate this and let your little pet clean you up, because it does it out of love and care.

2. Playful biting

Playful biting also indicates that your kitty really likes you, because cats only do this when they feel very comfortable in someone’s company. However, it is very important that you do not allow it to bite hard, always allow only the weak little pinch and let it feel that this is the way it can do it.

3. Eye contact

Just like with dogs, maintaining eye contact can also indicate that your cat is a fan of you. In fact, it directly reveals that they pay special attention to you, because cats consider long eye contact to be basically threatening, but in the case of the owner, they think of it as a way of expressing love.

4. It rubs its butt against you

If your cat rubs its bottom against you, it can also be a sign that it wants to mark you as its own belonging. So by the act of rubbing their bottoms against you, cats want to express that the greatest joy for them would be if you were only theirs.

5. Gifting

If your kitty is constantly working on ways to surprise you, then it definitely loves you very much. For example, if it constantly presents you with all kinds of niceties, such as dead rodents or similar delicacies, then it surely loves you so much that it can even hunt for you.

If a cat loves its owner, it will probably meow a lot to communicate.

6. Constant meowing

If your cat is constantly meowing to you, it means that it is trying to communicate with you. In such cases, it always tries to initiate a kind of conversation with you in order to pay attention to it. If it often tries to speak with you in this way, you can be sure that your kitty adores you.

7. Sleeps on you

Finally, one of the most convincing signs that your cat loves you is if it enjoys napping on your lap. Cats are predators so they do not really like to be vulnerable. However, if they absolutely trust someone, even taking a nap on their lap is not a problem for them. And from this you can see exactly how much your kitty loves you.

cat love cat love language Life

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