
Why is your cat licking you? It’s not just attachment that’s behind it

Ferenczi Deborah

2022. November 20 - Source: Photos by Getty Images Hungary

Have you ever wondered why your cat licks all the time? First of all, you obviously think that this is a display of his love and affection. Of course, this is not far from reality, but at the same time there are other reasons for this action. Because this can also be a kind of sign of their desire to own you, or even simply because they want to collect information about you.


Research has shown that adult cats spend an average of 8% of their time awake licking their own or each other’s fur. The purpose of licking in cats is not only grooming, but has a much broader meaning, as it also has a social aspect. Among other things, this is how they express their desire for possession, and it also plays a major role in gathering information about each other.

Why is your cat licking you?

Experts believe that there may be several reasons for this. They primarily express their possession by, for example, licking another cat. But, If it is a person, they may want to obtain biochemical information through the given action. According to the third theory, this is merely a manifestation of complete trust. Of course, it can also mean that he wants to play with you, but excessive licking can also indicate that he is nervous. Because when they are stressed, in many cases they try to reduce their tension.

– In cats, the purpose of licking each other is basically mutual grooming and strengthening of social bonds. Adult cats only lick other cats if they trust them. Cats basically view other animals in two ways: either they are in competition with them or they are not. This behavior can be extended from the adult animal to humans – explains Dr. David Sands is an animal psychologist with over 25 years of clinical experience.

It may indicate a desire to possess

So, if your cat licks you, it does not clearly indicate its attachment, but rather that it does not see you as a rival. The other theory explains the behavior with the desire for possession. According to the assumption, in this case the cat performs exactly the same mechanism as when it rubs against you, that is, it marks its territory. In this way, he expresses that he considers himself his property. In fact, some believe that if you pet him and then lick him, he will remove the human smell from himself. The biochemical theory can be traced back to much simpler foundations. Because the cat is interested in any scent that is on the human hand, as it gathers information about you.

What can be done if the cat licks too much?

You may find it uncomfortable when your cat licks too much, as its tongue feels very rough on the skin. There is actually a biological reason for this. A cat’s tongue acts as a kind of brush to remove loose hair, dirt and fleas. If you lick too much, it could be because you are probably stressed and anxious, so it is worth addressing this problem. In such cases, try to play with him, to direct his attention to something or an activity that he enjoys. In this way, you not only reduce stress, but also distract him from licking.

behaviour cat social bond Lick licks the cat Life loves the cat possession why

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