
6 tips on what to surprise your cat with for Christmas: scratching post is a definite hit on our list

Ferenczi Deborah

2022. December 17 - Source: Photos by Getty Images Hungary

The holidays are fast approaching and almost everyone's thoughts are already turning to presents. But it is often quite difficult to guess what the other person wants, especially when it comes to our cat. That's why we've tried to think with our cats' heads and put together a Christmas wish list if you don't know what your pet would like!


Most cat owners are happy to share their festive traditions with their pets, because Christmas is when everyone gets a little something,
and kittens are no exception

1. Christmas themed games

Probably the first and most basic gift idea is a Christmas themed toy. It could be some kind of chaseable plush toy, or a chewy, bitey toy, the point is that it should be based on the holiday theme in some way. It’s also a great idea to distract your kitty from the holiday rush and at least give him a little time to unwind.

2. Toys containing catnip

Toys which
contain catnip
, are sure to impress your cat, as it is one of their favourite plants. So a game that includes this is guaranteed to keep the animal tied up for a good while.

3. New cat litter box

Christmas can be a great occasion
a new, comfortable, fluffy and soft bed
. It’s a gift that’s impossible to pass up, because your kitty will love her new, comfortable bed.

4. Special delicacy

After a Christmas full to the brim
things that are toxic to cats
, it may be worth preventing your pet’s curiosity about food and buying him a gift that is guaranteed to tickle his taste buds. This is when you can afford to invest in something special and unique for your cat. This is guaranteed to be a winning idea!

5. Scraped wood

Also makes an excellent gift
purchase of a new scraper
also. What’s more, it’s likely to be a nice purchase for you too, because your kitty won’t be scratching on your furniture, but on the specially designed scratching post, so you won’t miss out on this gift. And if you already have one, and you have enough space in your home, all we can say is that the more scratching posts the better!

Cat litter homemade

If you want to make a climbing frame for your cat yourself, you can even scratch it,
we recommend this article
here’s how to get started!

6. Games that develop intelligence

Finally, you might want to buy your kitty a toy that is not only cute, but also increases his intelligence. It also helps you to get the right amount of exercise and to tire yourself out, both mentally and physically. This could be
for example, the purchase of a laser
, which will satisfy the cat’s hunting instinct, or even chase toys, or even toys that require food to be obtained. All of these develop the cat’s mindset and, not least, keep the animal tethered for a long time.

cat game catnip Christmas Christmas gifts intelligent cat kitty gifts Scratching post

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