
Devon Rex cat breed: the curly-haired bundle of love, also known as the cat world’s elf

László Enikő

2022. November 25 - Source: Photos by Getty Images Hungary

Referred to by many as one of the most beloved cat breeds, the Devon Rex is a very special cat with an elf-like appearance.


A Devon Rex is known for its elf-like appearance, characterised by its large, deep-set ears, large eyes and triangular face. In addition to its striking facial features, the breed has a thin, wavy coat that makes it even more special.


The story of the breed began in 1959, when Beryl Cox found a special kitten in an abandoned mine in Buckfastleight, Devon, England. The tomcat had curly hair and was afraid of people, so Beryl couldn’t lure him to her. But another, pregnant kitten did. When the kittens were born, one of the little ones had a coat like the special cat in the mine. The pup had a triangular nose, coupled with huge bat ears. Its appearance reminded her of an elf.

First thought to be Kirlee, the Devon-born kitten shares her genetics with the Cornish Rex, but test breeding soon established that Kirlee is a unique, natural genetic mutation. Other breeders had convinced Beryl to mate her pet with a curly-haired kitten, but the kittens’ coats were straight. So the gene responsible for curly hair is not the same as the one responsible for the wavy coat of the Cornish Rex. And so Kirlee was later mated with her own offspring, British Shorthairs and a few litters later the first curly-haired puppies were born.

Kirlee, who was born in 1959, 15th of July, is became the matriarch of a new breed, the Devon Rex. The devon is a clear reference to its homeland, while the rex is a reference to the curly, similar-textured fur of the rex rabbit. Less than a decade later, in 1968, a Devon Rex emigrated to the United States. The Cat Fanciers Association gave full recognition to the breed in 1979.

Breed standard

Although small and fragile at first glance, the Devon Rex is a medium-sized, muscular and rabbit-like cat. It weighs about 2.5-4 kg. It has a heart or wedge-shaped head with a broad muzzle and a strong chin. The ears are deep-set, very large, broad at the ear. Their ends are decorated with tiny tufts of fur. Its eyes are very large, set apart, almond-shaped. His mustache and eyebrows are curly. Its limbs are elegant, muscular, long and slender. Its paws are small and oval. The tail is medium long. The coat is short, soft to the touch and wavy or curly. It can be any colour of cat, and any pattern or combination of them. Expected lifetime is 10-15 years.


A Devon Rex is very active, sociable and friendly. He is one of the most beloved cats by her fans. His sporty nature makes him a great playmate and he can fit into any family. The Devon’s favourite place is near its beloved owner. He takes a keen interest in everything that happens and refuses to miss out on any activity. Expect him to want to be as close to you as possible, and to occasionally speak his mind in a low voice. He loves people and welcomes attention from friends and family.

He is a smart cat with a medium-high activity level. He is not in constant motion, but he likes to learn tricks and fetch. Puzzles and interactive toys will delight his inventive brain and help keep him occupied while the owner is at work.

Ideal environment

At mealtimes, the Devon tries to sit at the table with the rest of the family to see if he can get something to eat. He undoubtedly loves to eat, and it’s easy for him to gain excess weight if his owner doesn’t set limits. The Devon Rex gets cold easily, so care should be taken to avoid an environment that is too cold. He loves the heat and tends to find the warmest spot in the house, such as the radiator, and hunker down there. This breed is the perfect companion if you enjoy the company of a cheeky, agile cat and you won’t be intimidated by him looking down from the top of the door or hopping onto your shoulder.


In the case of a Devon Rex, the gentler the grooming, the better. The hairs are sensitive and rough brushing or combing can damage them. The skin of some rex cats may become oily, especially in the folds or on the paws. If your pet is like this, you should bath him in every few weeks. If this is not the case, frequent bathing is not necessary. The rest is primary care. From time to time you need to cat his claws shorter, if they grow too long. Check his ears every week. If they look dirty, which is more common with this breed, wipe them with a cotton pad moistened with ear cleaning liquid.

Common health problems

The Devon Rex is generally healthy, but problems seen in the breed include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, patellar luxation and hereditary myopathy affecting muscle function. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common form of heart disease in cats. It causes thickening of the heart muscle (hypertrophy). Patellar luxation is a hereditary problem where the kneecap occasionally pops out of place, causing the cat to limp or jump. It usually pops back into place on its own, but in severe cases it can move out of place frequently or even permanently and may require surgical correction.

(Literature: Laura Aceti – Viola Autieri: Legjobb barátunk, a macska, Szinák János – Veress István: Macskakalauz, Jean-Luc Renck: A macska)

cat breeds curly haired cat devon rex

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