
This is how you should lift your cat according to the vet

Mádi-Krezinger Cintia

2024. January 24 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

A lot of cats hate being picked up, while others can't wait to be in their owner's arms. If you are in the fortunate position of having a kitty belonging to the second group, it's important to know how to pick up your pet as safely as possible.


You might think that it’s a well-known fact that there are two golden rules when it comes to lifting cats. One is to lift only when the animal lets you, and the other is to hold it under its front legs with one hand while supporting it under the hind legs with the other. Unfortunately, this is not always how it’s done, and improper handling can lead to serious accidents. We asked a vet how to properly lift a cat.

Everybody knows – or not?

“Most cats don’t like to be held – they prefer to sit on our lap, and only when they feel like it,” says veterinarian Andrea Kövess Bodó. “If the owner does pick it up, there is not much risk of injury when lifting, since cats are very flexible. But if the animal is trying to escape or it’s not being held securely enough, hitting the ground or being squeezed by the owner can cause an accident.”

Adults can usually lift a cat, but children often fail to handle the animal correctly. There are lots of videos circulating on social media of little ones pulling the pet by its front legs, or squeezing it with all their might to express their affection.

Children need to be taught to treat cats properly.

It is the responsibility of the adult members of the family to teach them that pets are not stuffed animals. While there are some cats that will peacefully tolerate being poked by kids, most kitties are not so patient and will definitely make their annoyance known – even by acting agressively.

Cats know what’s good for them

The vet told us that during the veterinary examinations it is very easy to see how cats like to be handled.

A vet visit is usually a very stressful situation for both the cat and the owner. It’s usually us that put the animals on the examination table, because they either don’t want to come out of the carrier or they break out and try to escape. It’s rare that an owner will hold the cat well and firmly for the duration of the examination. What is typical is that the cat – once it sees there’s nowhere to run – will climb into the arms of its owner to cuddle. I’ve found that the animal will then settle itself in a position that is comfortable for it, and the owner’s job is simply to hold it securely.

How to know if your cat likes to be held?

The answer is not surprising: by the animal not running away immediately. However, it’s important to remember that just because one position may be uncomfortable for your pet, another may suit them.

Of course nothing should be forced on your cat. But if you can, it’s worth experimenting to see which method he prefers – if there’s one he’s comfortable with. Some kitties happily lie on their backs on their owner’s forearms while getting tummy scratches, while others feel safe with their front legs on the shoulder, and their bum resting on their owner’s hand or forearm.

Allow your pet to position itself – it will show you how it likes to be held, just let him do so.

What is forbidden

In addition to the already mentioned forcefullness, there’s another way how you mustn’t lift your cat.

Adult cats should not be regularly picked up by the scruff. During the examinations, there are times when the grip is used to avoid biting, but the animal is on the table.

There are situations – for example when rescuing an animal showing signs of agressiveness – when lifting by the scruff is unavoidable. However, due to their weight and build, adult animals can suffer serious injuries if they are frequently lifted like that.

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