
Gonzo brings home rubbish every day as a present for his owner: he got a camera on his collar to see what he is up to during the day

Hangai Lilla

2023. December 1 - Photos: Gonzo is a cat Instagram

For Gonzo, human trash is a real treasure. So much so that it's worth even gifting it to his owner. His favorite pastime is exploring the city and its surroundings, and he never returns home with empty paws. These generous gifts have piqued the owner's curiosity.


Gonzo, the cat has never brought home any prey other than garbage. To investigate this peculiar phenomenon, he had a small camera hung around his neck by his owner.

But a cat’s life is not just about collecting

However, the cat’s life is not just about collecting. Derek, the owner told the Dodo that, without exaggeration, the number of unwanted gifts has now reached into the hundreds. Sometimes as many as 10 arrive daily. Wrapping papers, food boxes, strings, and various other debris pile up. It’s as if Gonzo meticulously ensures that his loved ones are never surprised with anything useful. The cat also ensures that the surprises always reach their destination. When he returns home with something, he loudly meows to draw the attention of the household, signaling, ‘It’s time to put everything aside, Gonzo is here, and of course, with his wonderful gifts.’

However, the camera around his neck captures not only the exciting moments of acquisition. It once caught Gonzo encountering baby opossums. Like a well-behaved cat, he didn’t harm the small ones; he just lay down next to them to enjoy the soothing calmness after a busy day.

Gonzo the cat can’t escape love

Gonzo cannot escape love either. Although we could say that this story finds reciprocation and fulfillment. The neighbor, slightly older cat lady Simone, has captivated the heart of our young protagonist and won’t let go. Poor little Gonzo would do anything to get closer to his chosen one, but it seems Simone is unyielding. She probably prefers older gentlemen.

The recordings, despite being about cats, are almost painful to watch. There’s so much emotion, so much pain. When we long for someone more than anything, but that someone ignores us. The camera even captured the moment Gonzo also gifted something Simone. Still, the kitty remains unyielding, but Gonzo doesn’t give up!

When the kitten teaches the owner

Derek didn’t hesitate to admit that he has learned a lot from and about his cat since regularly following his adventures. These recordings also show how much cats appreciate their owners and how much they yearn to connect with other animals or their kind. It’s sad that in most people’s minds, they still live as solitary, self-willed, and unfriendly animals.

Fortunately, Gonzo’s story is further evidence that we shouldn’t judge hastily. And it’s just the icing on the cake that, thanks to modern technology, we can get a glimpse into the emotional everyday life of such a scarcely studied, difficult-to-understand creature. You can follow Gonzo here on TikTok.

cat love language gonzo the cat human cat bonding Life true story

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