
Furry giants – but who’s who?

Mádi-Krezinger Cintia

2024. March 19 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

How can you tell the difference between a Maine Coon and a Norwegian Forest Cat? The task is easier than you think – you just need to know what external signs to look out for.


In the world of cats, there are breeds that look strikingly similar to each other. One such pair is the Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest Cat, which may seem identical to some. So let’s see what makes them different!

The Norwegian Forest Cat is an animal of respect

Their origins

Let’s start with a little history that may explain the similarities between the Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest Cat.

As the name suggests, the Norwegian Forest Cat hails from Norway. It is likely that their ancestors were semi-longhaired cats from the Middle East who arrived in Scandinavia with the Vikings. Over the centuries, adapting to harsh weather, their strong bodies and thick coats became their trademark, even appearing in Scandinavian mythology pulling the chariot of the goddess Freyja. The breed was on the brink of extinction in the early 20th century, but a breeding program was initiated in the 1930s to save them.

The name Maine Coon also reveals its origin: the breed comes from the state of Maine, USA. There are several theories about how these cats arrived in the area. According to one theory, Maine Coon ancestors arrived on the continent with the Vikings around the 11th century – meaning their predecessors could have been Norwegian Forest Cats. The breed became popular in the 1960s and is now recognized as the official cat of the state of Maine.

The Maine coon is a phenomenon

Their body structure

Both breeds are large, long-haired, truly majestic-looking cats. The biggest difference in their appearance can be observed in their heads.

Head shape: The Maine Coon has a square, slightly elongated head, with a slight concave curvature to its facial features. The Norwegian Forest Cat, on the other hand, has an almost equilateral triangular head, with long and straight facial features.

Eyes: Differences can also be seen in the shape of their eyes; Maine Coon eyes are large and slightly oval, while Norwegian Forest Cat eyes are more almond-shaped.

Body: Their body structures are not entirely identical either. While Maine Coon legs are of medium length, Norwegian Forest Cat legs are notably long – furthermore, the hind legs are slightly higher than the front ones.

Size: Another important difference is that while the Norwegian Forest Cat is not small, weighing between 4-9 kilograms depending on gender, the Maine Coon is even larger – weighing between 5 and 12 kilograms.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Coat: There is also a difference here, although this can only be noticed if we are lucky enough to stroke them. The Maine Coon has a silky, soft coat, while the Norwegian Forest Cat has slightly coarser fur, as it is water-repellent. Another noticeable difference is that the Maine Coon’s coat is longer on the front of the body and around the neck than on the rest of its body. It looks as if it’s wearing a royal cloak.

Their personalities

Both breeds are calm, affectionate, and adore their owners. The difference between the two could perhaps be best described as the Maine Coon being more dog-like. It follows its owner and does everything to please them. The Norwegian Forest Cat, on the other hand, is a true cat, with all the typical cat traits.

breed comparison long-haired cat maine coon Norwegian Forest Cat

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