
The 9 typical sleeping poses of cats and their meanings: here’s what you can learn about how your pet sleeps

Ferenczi Deborah

2023. September 23 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

You must have noticed that cats can sleep in many different positions. Well, in their case, this can be telling, because the different sleeping positions can indicate a lot about the cat's personality and the relationship between the two of you.


Below we have collected the most common cat sleeping positions and their explanations. We hope this will help you get to know your kitty even better!

1. Sleeping curled up, close to your head

A significant part of a cat’s sleeping habits stems from its social tendencies, which is already a perfect counterargument to the animal not being able to cling closely to humans. Because cats can also bond with people, so much so that they want to be near you even when they are sleeping. Thus, if it sleeps next to you, it can clearly indicate that it trusts you and likes to be in your company. Furthermore, the curled-up posture is extremely practical for it, as this shape helps it maintain the right body temperature, so it won’t get cold during the night even in a cooler apartment.

2. Sleeping on its back

If your cat sleeps on its back, it shows unconditional trust in you. Because if the belly is completely exposed, then its vital organs are not protected. So, if it can sleep in a way that leaves its vital organs free, it is guaranteed to trust you and feel safe.

The sleeping position of the cat says a lot about how safe it feels.

3. It puts its paws under its body

The special feature of this position is that cats place their front paws under their body, thereby protecting their organs and even maintaining their body temperature. The essence of this pose is that the cats are actually ready to attack at any time. This is typical for awake phase sleep.

4. Lying on its side

Most cats love to sleep lying on their side, as it is an extremely comfortable position for them. However, it is important to know that their vital organs are not protected in this pose either. So, if it sleeps next to you like this, it feels safe next to you. However, this is a less vulnerable position than lying on the back, because in case of danger, they can easily jump up and start running.

5. The Superman pose

In Superman position, the cat lies on its belly. Its front legs and paws are extended forward, and its hind legs and paws are behind them, as if we only see them in flight. They are usually very relaxed at this time, however, their vital organs are protected and they can be ready for action at any time.

6. Sleeps on furniture or various equipment

If the cat sleeps on various pieces of furniture and equipment, it usually wants to view the world from a higher perspective. It believes that it is safer for it to sleep there than on the ground. Usually, in such a case, the animal wants to hide from someone or does not want, for example, children or other pets to disturb its rest.

7. Sitting up straight

Sometimes it happens that your cat sleeps with an upright posture, in which case it seems as if it is sleeping sitting up. It is important to know that if your cat sleeps in this position, it probably feels safe.

8. Strange positions

In many cases, you may notice that the cats are sleeping in an extremely uncomfortable position. However, it is important to know that, unlike you, these animals are extremely flexible. A position that seems uncomfortable to you can be comfortable for your cat. So, the next time you see your kitty is in this kind of position, don’t immediately think about how uncomfortable it might be.

9. In hiding

If the cat hides to sleep, i.e. seeks shelter in hard-to-find areas, or specifically hides under something, then it is very likely that it is afraid of something.

cat sleeping habits Life sleeping positions the cat is sleeping the cat sleeps a lot trust

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