
Do cats have emotions? Do they experience them differently than humans?

Ferenczi Deborah

2023. December 26 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

It's an extremely interesting question whether cats are capable of experiencing emotions, and if so, how do they experience them differently from humans. Can they love or hate, feel sadness or joy? The following explores the answers to these questions.


Scientists believe that cats fundamentally have a rich emotional world, yet they cannot precisely determine how they experience feelings such as happiness or sadness. The most likely answer is that while a cat can experience various emotions, they do so in a different way than humans.

Emotions of the cat

Emotions not only influence the behavior of cats but also often affect their reactions to certain things. For example, fear sometimes triggers aggressive reactions, while touch and petting deepen the bond. Recent studies suggest that cats have eight basic emotional systems that allow them to react to information transmitted to the brain through the senses. These systems include the seeking system for finding food, the fear-anxiety system for unknown events that may be dangerous, the social play system, and the caregiving system for raising offspring and forming basic social bonds.

Do they feel like humans?

Additionally, it has been inferred that cats experience emotions similarly to humans, although the reactions are not necessarily the same. Therefore, if you want to understand a cat’s emotions precisely, it is essential to read its body language. This is crucial because interpreting these behaviors accurately also provides explanations for various behavioral problems.

Do cats recognize human emotions?

Many believe that, unlike dogs, cats are almost incapable of showing empathy toward humans. However, a 2020 study refuted this assumption, demonstrating that cats can visually and auditorily identify human emotions. Moreover, beyond recognition, they can adapt to these perceived emotions and modify their behavior accordingly. For example, they are inclined to comfort us.

Cats may be mysterious creatures, but the latest scientific findings shed some light on the complexity of their emotions.

cat emotions emotion happy the cat Life

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