
6 misconceptions about cats’ health that it’s time to debunk

Hangai Lilla

2024. April 9 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The internet provides excellent information flow, which has many advantages, but it's undeniable that we can also encounter a lot of misinformation, news, and reports that are untrue. Such misleading information easily embeds itself into common belief.


The health of cats is becoming increasingly central in the community of conscious and responsible pet owners, so today we are going to debunk some misconceptions that many may believe provide relevant information.

1.) Treating the health problems of cats isn’t as expensive as treating those of dogs

Both dogs and cats can struggle with chronic health issues that require examinations and medication. Many people believe that treating a sick cat will be cheaper than treating a sick dog. While it’s true that the average cat is smaller than most dogs, and therefore medications (which are often dosed based on weight) may be cheaper, basic healthcare costs the same.

Often someone might choose a cat because they think it will require less attention and the costs of vaccinations, medical care, and medications will be lower, but this is not the case!

2.) I don’t see fleas on my cat, so it must not have fleas

Believe it or not, 95% of fleas in your household don’t live on your pet. The vast majority of fleas in the environment are not in their adult stage: they wait as eggs, larvae, or pupae for the right moment. During these stages of their life cycle, you won’t notice them!

A single adult female flea can lay up to 2000 eggs during her short lifespan, so even one flea can have serious consequences. Using flea control products is essential year-round, as this is the only effective method for prevention!

Year-round use of flea control products is the only method of prevention that works.

3.) Cats don’t vandalize or urinate out of revenge

While cats are capable of experiencing the six basic emotions, the concept of revenge is unknown to them. They vandalize or urinate outside the litter box because they are bored, they don’t receive proper care (such as the litter box not being cleaned, or it being difficult to access), or they have health problems.

Punishing the cat for such actions is not only pointless but also dangerous, as it can traumatize them, leading to even more accidents.

4.) A warm nose indicates that the cat is sick

A warm nose simply indicates that the cat is warm. The temperature of the nose mostly reflects the environment, not the cat’s health. If your cat has a warm nose but otherwise seems fine, there’s no need to worry. However, if the cat starts panting, immediate action should be taken to cool it down, as overheating can be life-threatening.

5.) Cats’ health doesn’t depend on routine veterinary check-ups

The best way to prevent your pet from serious illnesses and to avoid digging deep into your wallet for treatment is to regularly take them for veterinary check-ups. At least once a year, but it’s even better to go twice a year. Cats older than 7 years should be taken for routine check-ups at least twice a year. This is beyond doubt!

6.) It’s okay for a cat to lick its wounds

During licking, bacteria from their mouth can enter the wound, which can slow down the healing process or infect the wound. Moreover, due to constant licking, the surface of the injury can enlarge due to irritation, leading to more licking, making it even larger, and so on; a vicious cycle.

As frustrating as it may be for the animal, unfortunately, a wounded cat must wear a collar! However, there are increasingly more comfortable alternatives available, so feel free to inquire about them from your veterinarian!

cat flea cat health cat health misconceptions flea Health health problem health risk healthy cat sick cat veterinary costs

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