
How often do cats need to go to the toilet? If you notice your pet falling behind, we’ll show you what to do

Hangai Lilla

2024. February 27 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

What happens between eating and visiting the litter box remains hidden to the average pet owner. And perhaps if you think about it more, you don't know much about how often your pet should visit the place where even the king goes alone. And what does a normal cat poop look like anyway? Don't worry, today we'll cover all the dirty details!


We reassure you, this is a rather swampy and smelly ground, as many factors play a role in your pet’s digestion and the nature of cat poop. So, for example, there is no exact answer to the question of how many times a cat needs to go to the toilet in a day. And it’s good to know that consistency matters much more than frequency. Well, today we’ll talk about things like this and more. Don’t read it during lunch if you have a sensitive stomach!

How often should a healthy cat poop?

Healthy cats eliminate waste one to two times a day after food travels about 12-20 hours through their digestive system. But how long it takes for the food to turn into poop in the litter box, and how many attempts the cat makes at this per day, depends on many details.

1. Diet

What the cat eats affects what ends up in the litter box. So far, so simple. For example, high-carbohydrate dry foods result in more intense bowel movements, while wet and raw menus have much better digestibility, resulting in lower intensity eliminations. Any low-fiber diet clearly leads to less frequent litter box use.

2. stress

Moving, the arrival of a new family member, or even a visit to the vet can all disrupt your pet’s toilet routine. Especially if you have an anxious, nervous cat.

3. Parasites

Digestive system parasites irritate the gastrointestinal tract, causing waste material to move through too quickly. Yes, this is called diarrhea. Never forget to ask for a stool examination during the annual check-up, but if you suspect anything has changed at any time during the year, visit the vet immediately!

4. Food allergy and intolerance

Food allergies or intolerances can also contribute to loose stools. If you suspect something, head to the vet! But until then, that particular food should be removed from the diet.

5. Diseases

Health problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, hyperthyroidism, or kidney diseases can all cause abnormal amounts of bowel movements. All these factors have one thing in common: the balance of the cat’s gut flora. This sensitive microbiome is a combination of hundreds of different microorganisms that aid digestion, attack pathogens, and constantly communicate with the brain.

What a healthy cat’s poop looks like

It may seem bizarre, but many diseases could be caught earlier if owners didn’t immediately discard their cat’s feces, but instead took a careful look at it beforehand. The ideal color of poop ranges from dark to medium brown, log-shaped, and not too hard or dry.

In the case of constipation, the faeces are lumpy or segmented. In the case of diarrhea, it’s liquid. If it’s smellier than average, or if there’s mucus or unusual discoloration (black, red, green, white), be sure to see a vet.

How long is it not a problem if the cat does not go to the toilet?

A clear sign that a cat is constipated is if it strains during defecation and visibly has to exert effort, while the quantity of production falls short of expectations. Elimination outside the litter box can also be a sign of constipation among other issues.

If three days have passed without you scooping anything out of the litter box, it’s time to schedule a medical examination. Untreated constipation can cause serious problems.

What the cat goes to the toilet more than twice a day?

Veterinarians agree that it’s not a problem if a cat doesn’t poop every day or eliminates more than once a day. If these numbers are consistent, there’s no change in behavior, and the end product is of a healthy color and consistency, then there’s probably no reason to worry.

cat constipation cat diarrhoea cat faeces cat litter cat poop diarrhoea food allergy in cats food intolerance healthy cat hyperthyroidism irritable bowel syndrome kidney disease parasites stress

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