
Pixie-bob cat breed: it reminds many people of the lynx, has a short tail and even 6-7 toes!

László Enikő

2023. January 13 - Photos by Getty Images Hungary, Wikipedia – Pixie-bob, Pixie Bob

Although the Pixie-bob does bear a resemblance to the American lynx (from which it takes its name), genetic testing has not supported the hypothesis that the breed has wild ancestors.


She is stunningly beautiful, fits easily into almost any household and loves her family very much. Is that all you need from a cat? What’s more, they have the peculiarity most individuals are born with several toes and their tails are short, never extending beyond the ankle. Despite this, it is not a very popular breed, relatively few people know it. But his dedicated fans are absolutely crazy about him, and we totally understand!


The origins of the Pixie-bob are shrouded in mystery and mystique. Some believe that the breed is a cross between the American bobcat and feral domestic cats. Nevertheless, DNA tests do not support this claim, because they say that there is no “wild” blood in the Pixie-bob. But the assumption still left a mark on the breed, hence the name: bob is derived from the English name for the American lynx, bobcat. And Pixie was the name of the ancestress of the breed.

In 1985 Carol Ann Brewer added to her family a short-tailed, spotted-coat, multi-toed (polydactyl) tomcat named Keba. His eyes were immediately caught by the unusual cat, which resembled a lynx, so there was no question of whether he wanted to take it home. The following year she adopted a cat similar to her pet, also a short-tailed tomcat. She decided that this majestic appearance was worth passing on, so she started breeding. So her new pet mated with the female next door. From the litter Brewer kept a female called Pixie, who had a particularly beautiful pattern. This in turn started the breeding process. Over time, more people became interested in the future breed, and breeding programs included cats that resembled Pixie to maintain the unique, slightly wild look. The breed received championship status from TICA in 1998.

Breed standard

The Pixie-bob is a larger breed of cat. It has a muscular, heavy-boned body with prominent shoulder blades. The hips are higher than the shoulders. The chest is broad and well developed. The tail is short and flexible, not lower than the ankle. Its limbs are long and the paws are round. Most individuals of the breed have several toes, up to seven. Its head resembles that of the lynx, broad and inverted pear-shaped. His nose is large and his muzzle long and wide. Slightly convex forehead. The muzzle is round, fleshy and large, the cheek pouches well developed. His eyebrows are arched, his eyes are moderately large and deep-set.

Colour can range from golden brown to brown and green is also acceptable. The ears are located at the back of the head and the ends are decorated with tufts. The coat can be short or half long, and the coat is always waterproof. The hairs on the belly are longer than elsewhere. It is dark grey in colour, with speckled tufts and white hairs at the ends. Males are much more corpulent than females. While the latter weigh between 3.5-5 kg, males can weigh up to 9 kg. Their expected lifetime is 15 years.


Unlike many cats, the Pixie-bob is very fond of water. Wild ancestors are often explained by this. He is a very curious cat who enjoys cuddles, resting on his owner’s lap, but also playing. He loves company, be it children, adults, dogs or even another cat. He even welcomes guests, typically greeting them at the door on arrival. He enjoys a quiet rest and is not at all a hyperactive pet. Many people compare his character to a dog, as he likes to learn tricks and you can even walk him on a leash.

Ideal environment

It’s easy to climb high with those toes! If you have a cat like this, it’s worth more climbing opportunities as he is a very curious creature who likes to observe his kingdom from above. He is also comfortable around children, but it is important that younger children treat him gently and respectfully. He is very demanding of companionship, his favourite activity at the end of a long day is snuggling on his owner’s lap. He’s guaranteed not to hide from you, if you want a little love, he’ll volunteer for the job! Balanced, not capricious cat, really easy and enjoyable to live with.


Although the breed can be either short or long-haired, the maintenance of the coat is not a problem for either variety. Combing once a week is sufficient, but during the shedding season it is advisable to do it slightly more often. The Pixie-bobs really like their bellies, so they can be prone to pleading with sad eyes for extra bites. But you have to set limits to their appetite, because without it they can easily become obese. Their ears and eyes should also be checked occasionally to make sure they are perfectly clean, and also keep an eye on the length of their claws.

Common health problems

As the breed was developed with many different cats involved in the breeding, it is very healthy. However, typical feline diseases can affect him, so it is worth taking him to the vet once a year and having him vaccinated with the recommended vaccinations. At feeding it is worth paying attention to the doses, as this breed is very fond of its tummy and can easily gain weight.

big cat cat breeds long-haired cat pixie-bob semi-long-haired cat short-haired cat

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