
These are the 4 things that female and male cats differ in most: is it true that males are more affectionate?

Hangai Lilla

2024. March 2 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

A cat's gender plays a big role in determining what personality traits it has. Much bigger than you might first think!


However, we want to make it clear from the start that the breed, the genetics, the personality of the parents and past experience also have a great influence on them, so it would be a mistake to choose only on the basis of gender. But you can have another tool in your hand if you, before the adoption, want to make a well-considered decision. But read on even if you are simply interested in the subject of differences between female and male cats. You can learn lots of interesting things about your pet.

A very short summary on neutering

Before going into the differences, it is important to note that many personality traits and behaviours are most prominent in unneutered cats. Males are more likely to mark, show more aggressive territorial behaviour or try to escape, while females are more likely to meow a lot and loudly when the mating season arrives.

If the cat has been or will be neutered (which we highly recommend!), these negative behaviour patterns are not as prevalent or are no there at all. But there are plenty of exciting differences beyond these!

Males are more social and playful

The males are generally more affectionate both with humans and with other cats. It is often observed that they form stronger bonds than girls; be it with their peers or with people.

You are best advised to chose them, if you have more time to occupy their playful mood and energies because observations show that they require more physical stimulation. They are more likely to run and jump around the house. If you’re looking for a calmer kitty, you might want to look around the females.

Females are more independent

If you spend more time away from home because of work or other commitments, females tend to tolerate this much better. However, they are more reserved with strangers and other pets than males. They may also show territorial behaviour regarding their preferred family member or favourite place. This “bossy” attitude makes them more likely to become the dominant household members.

Interestingly, they retain a strong maternal instinct even after neutering. While it is unlikely for her to become an amazingly cuddly pet, you can be sure that she will be a devoted and loyal companion who care about how you are feeling. Many people have experienced that their cat would not move when they were ill or in a bad mood; she protected them like a mother.

In what combination should they be kept together?

If you’re thinking about keeping more than one cat, you’ve probably heard a lot of advice about the best pairings. A 1999 study found little difference in positive or negative social behaviour in households with only male cats, only female cats or a combination of male and female cats. Male cats were more likely to spend time together in the same room. Female cats were almost never seen grooming other cats. However, no other differences emerged.

This study also provides evidence that personality is the main factor to consider when keeping a cat. If you want to be on the safe side, unlike dogs, cats should be kept with littermates. This can make their socialisation easier and they will play together more without disagreements.

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