
Does your cat knock over everything too? Curiosity is probably behind it

Ferenczi Deborah

2022. December 3 - Source: Photos by Getty Images Hungary

You must have wondered why cats like to knock everything down? There can be many reasons for this, including the desire for revenge, or it is possible that they want to convey something to you. However, it is most likely simply that they want to assess certain objects in this way, relying on their hunting instinct.


It is often assumed that cats directly beat down everything that gets in their way, as if they want to take revenge on the owner. Despite the fact that sometimes this also happens, in a significant percentage of cases completely different reasons lie in the background.

Why do cats like to slap?

It is important to know that cats have extremely sensitive sensor nerves on their paws, which significantly help them process information and identify objects in their environment. In this way, they are able to map a specific place or object very precisely. Thus, when they see something, it is almost necessary for them to touch it immediately, since this is how they try to find out exactly what they are dealing with. Slaps or shoves are therefore in a significant percentage of cases pure curiosity, which often results in something being knocked down. But this is not true in all cases. Because it may be an expression of displeasure or nervousness, but it is also possible that they are simply doing this as a game.

Do they like to slap the owners?

Yes, in most cases they really like this activity, but it is more a sign of play than a sign of aggression. On the other hand, if they start gently slapping other cats, it can be a sign of familiarity, play and dislike. In the case of the latter, they hit bigger ones more aggressively.

Why knock down the objects ?

The well-known slapping is often accompanied by knocking the chosen object out of its place. The primary reason they do this is clearly to get the owner’s attention. It may happen that they indicate their hunger and thirst in this way. But it is much more likely that this is more a sign that the owner is paying attention to them, since they want to spend more time with him. This behavior can also be caused by the fact that their need for movement and play is not satisfied, and this is how they want to involve their owner in the activity. Similar behavior can therefore be particularly characteristic of bored cats. According to the experts, the hunting instinct is often behind the phenomenon, because they see certain things as prey and try to catch them and make them move. So it happens that they really do all this for pleasure, but usually their main goal is to entertain themselves or attract the owner’s attention.

behaviour cat paw crush objects with the cat demolition hunting instinct Life the cat is slapping me

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