These are the sounds cats hate the most
Kövess Péter
2024. August 14 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
Kövess Péter
2024. August 14 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
There are certain sounds that are apparently very disturbing to cats. But what is it that they hate so much?
A common belief among owners is that cats hate fireworks, vacuum cleaners and whistling.
But it’s more complicated than that, because it’s not the sounds alone that make them run away.
The cats have exceptional hearing. Better than humans, even better than dogs.
While humans can hear in the 64-23 000 Hz range and dogs in the 67-45 000 Hz range, cats can hear between 45 and 64 000 Hz.
Cats can move and rotate their ears independently, like two small radar antennae, so they can detect sounds of all
with incredible accuracy.
Their sensitivity to higher frequency sounds is due to their external ears.
This ability comes in handy when they need to find mice or their own kittens in trouble.
What’s more, because they can determine where the sound is coming from, they can swoop down on their prey in low-light conditions. Cats’ keen hearing also makes it difficult for other, larger predators to surprise and attack them. Because wild felines are both predators and prey, they need to remain constantly alert and ready to react to the slightest noise.
This also means that cats have a particular aversion to loud noises that they do not expect.
Cats do not actually hate certain sounds.
Rather, they are bothered when the sounds are loud and surprising.
For example, if you play videos of thunderstorms on YouTube at a lower volume, your cat is unlikely to move his ear stick, as only one of the factors is met.
While cats generally prefer to be quiet around themselves, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are bothered by noise. And the more secure they feel, the less likely they are to react sharply.
Although many cats are terrified of vacuum cleaners, this is not just because of the loud, high-pitched sound of the machine. It’s also the way the machine moves back and forth, as this type of movement is extremely threatening to cats.
But again, if you play the sound of a vacuum cleaner to your cat, it is unlikely to care. The situation may be similar with cucumbers, which are said to resemble a snake and therefore fill cats with dread. However, in this case it may also be the element of surprise that causes them to flinch, as seen in online videos. When cats eat, they are left in a vulnerable position.
Their faces are facing the wall and their bodies remain exposed in the open space. So they are on high alert. If they turn around and something unexpected happens, they are likely to be freaked out – just like a loud noise, which has the element of surprise.
If you find that your pet is disturbed by certain noises, the best thing you can do is to give them a free rein and you give him a quiet, safe place to retreat to.
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