Video of one of the strangest cat habits: why they do it
Szénási Szimonetta
2024. August 22 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
Szénási Szimonetta
2024. August 22 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
Your pet has many interesting things to show you every day. In the video below you can see a lovely and telling gesture, which we explain.
Kittens, like other mammalian babies, are mother-fed for the first part of their lives. Over time, liquid food is gradually replaced to solid food. But why is it that some cats retain the ritual of suckling and find not only their mother, but also any soft object (pillow, blanket) and even the owner? What a charming cat habit! If you haven’t experienced or seen anything similar, here’s a heartwarming video:
Why do cats keep this habit? The explanation is complex. When kittens suckle, they also rhythmically swell the area around the breast to increase milk production. This situation is not only about feeding, but also about calming down. Later on, as the cat grows up, the relaxed, calm cat will often expresses or even enhances their contentment in this way. While kneading is a common phenomenon in cats, suckling is not retained by all cats. If your pet honours you by it sends a message that it trusts you and can relax to its fullest when you’re around.
However, cats that are weaned too early may retain this habit, and it may also occur if kittens from the previous litter are still living with their mother when their siblings are born. Interestingly, in some eastern breeds (the Balinese, the Tonkinese, and the Siamese observed) are more common.
Basically, the activity itself is not a problem, unless the cat is sucking on things it can swallow. For example, lint from a fluffy blanket can put a lot of strain on the digestive tract, but in extreme cases it can also cause an obstruction.
On the other hand, weaning too early may also cause other behavioural problems. Such cats may be more aggressive, but also more timid than their normally reared counterparts, and are usually more resistant to change. They may also find it difficult to use the litter tray. In addition, they may be more prone to certain health problems if they have not received enough antibodies through breast milk.
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