
This is the most important thing to do if your pet has fought with another cat

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. June 7 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Although natural, cat fights can be very dangerous. A scuffle could even cost your cat its life, so follow our advice!


Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night by the terrible screams of a cat fight? It’s bloodcurdling! Especially during mating season, the battles are intense, but due to territorial behavior, cats, especially tomcats, clash with great fervor throughout the year. Dr. Alison Birken shared her medical experiences on the PetMD veterinary health website. Let’s see what you need to do if your cat has been in a fight!

Territorial disputes can also lead to cat fight

If your cat has been bitten, always go to the vet

As the doctor mentioned, unfortunately, cat owners take routine medical check-ups less seriously than dog owners. However, it’s recommended to visit the vet at least once every six months to a year with cats, even if your pet seems fine at first glance. This is difficult to judge as a layperson, especially with cats who instinctively hide their pain. Take these check-ups seriously! Fortunately, cat owners generally do visit the Fort Lauderdale animal hospital in case of illness or injury. We encourage you to do the same because even small or seemingly harmless injuries can become serious!

One potentially life-threatening injury is a bite wound, which can be caused not only by a dog but also by another cat. If your cat has fought and been injured, it definitely needs medical attention for several reasons.

Cat fights between intact males are common during mating season

You may not even notice

As dr. Birken emphasizes, bite injuries are very common due to instinctual behaviors. Being territorial animals, cats protect their own territory, especially intact males, which is another reason to consider neutering.

Bite wounds are dangerous for two reasons. Firstly, sharp teeth can cause deep wounds that can quickly become infected if left untreated. Since small wounds that close quickly can trap pathogens, they multiply rapidly. Therefore, the vet will treat your pet with antibiotics as a preventive measure, which also helps prevent blood poisoning. Treating a cat that is brought in with an already infected or abscessed wound is much more complicated, and the animal suffers much more!

A bite wound should always be seen by a doctor

Since wounds are often not visible at first glance, it’s important to check your pet’s body. A dull, wet coat is a sign, as is limping or if the cat hides or isolates itself conspicuously. It’s also suspicious if your cat obsessively licks a particular area. The most vulnerable areas are the ears, tail, and limbs. If you find a wound, first clean it, disinfect it, and then call the vet for an appointment!

If the wound is not discovered in time, it can develop into a swelling or abscess. At this point, lethargy, fatigue, and fever may accompany the condition.

Cats often treat the injury by licking


In addition to this, diseases such as rabies, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) can all be transmitted through saliva.

These diseases are either difficult to treat, have uncertain outcomes, or are incurable and therefore fatal. This leads us to prevention, which is even more important than treatment. And there’s only one way to prevent it.

You can protect your pet from most diseases with vaccination

Don’t let your cat go outside!

We understand many argue that a cat is a free animal and only feels good if it can roam the world. And before you say we’re old-fashioned, we declare: indeed, an animal enjoys freedom. But! Freedom can be controlled. Build a cat run for your pet, let it watch from a window fitted with a cat net, and yes, cats can also be trained to walk on a leash.

Besides the wounds from fights, outdoor cats face the risk of being hit by a car, poisoned, attacked by a dog, tortured, taken home by someone else, and many more possible scenarios.

bite cats fighting FeLV FIP FIV neutering wound wound care

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