
What Happens If Your Cat Drinks Your Coffee

Kövess Péter

2024. December 1 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Have you ever wondered how much you should worry if you leave your coffee on the table and your cat takes a sip while you’re not looking? Let’s find out!


If a cat consumes caffeine by eating or drinking something that contains it, the substance is absorbed into their system quite rapidly, causing sudden symptoms that can have serious consequences. This is why it’s crucial never to leave coffee unattended.

cat with coffee

Coffee Is Dangerous for Cats: It Can Cause Caffeine Poisoning

Cats are much more sensitive to caffeine than humans. Their bodies cannot effectively metabolize caffeine, making coffee toxic to them. The compound spreads throughout the body, increasing the contraction of skeletal and cardiac muscles.

This occurs because caffeine affects certain receptors and triggers the release of hormones from the adrenal glands. This can result in symptoms such as: vomiting, diarrhea, accelerated heartbeat, elevated pulse rate, high body temperature, dehydration, strange behavior, hyperactivity, unsteady walking, seizures, muscle tremors.

If a cat does not receive treatment in such cases, it can lead to severe health complications and may even be fatal.

Not Just Coffee is Dangerous

When we think of caffeine, coffee or energy drinks usually come to mind first. However, caffeine is present in a variety of foods, from teas and soft drinks to chocolate. These, too, pose a risk to a cat’s health. Moreover, caffeine can also be found in certain dietary supplements and medications, often in relatively high concentrations, which can present an even greater danger.

Whether a cat develops poisoning depends on the amount consumed and the animal’s body weight.

Since caffeinated beverages are generally less concentrated than other products, a few sips of coffee may not be overly dangerous for a cat. However, consuming a larger quantity can cause concern.

cat chocolate

What to Do If Your Cat Consumes Caffeine

In such cases, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible and provide detailed information about the circumstances. Although inducing vomiting may help expel the caffeine from the body before it enters the bloodstream, it is difficult to do so safely at home. For this reason, experts advise against attempting it yourself! If anything goes wrong, it could lead to severe complications.

In addition to vomiting induced by the veterinarian, administering activated charcoal may also help. Treatment may also include fluid replacement, as well as medications to manage heart rate, muscle tremors, and seizures.

The symptoms of caffeine poisoning typically last 12–36 hours, so your pet may need to stay overnight at the clinic.

Long-term medication is generally not required, and if the cat receives appropriate treatment in time, it can fully recover.

cat at the vet

Prevention Is Key

Cats are naturally very curious and tend to knock over objects, which can pose a serious risk, especially in the case of coffee. Therefore, it is essential to store caffeine-containing products and foods in places where your cat cannot access them.

caffeine caffeine poisoning Coffee danger human food for cats

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