
Thai cat breed: the traditional Siamese, which, although long established, has only recently been recognised

László Enikő

2022. December 16 - Source: Photos by Getty Images Hungary

The history of the Thai cat and the Siamese is closely intertwined, as for a long time the two cats were considered to be one breed. However, as the breeding of Siamese became more and more focused on making them as graceful and slender as possible, the two types began to separate. His relative has retained the traditional, classic build, making the Thai slightly more rugged than him, but no less likeable.


The Thai cat is a truly people-loving cat, who needs attention and care. He is a very active, curious and talkative pet, who is almost always up to something clever. He is like a little child, his character is adorable and his owner is guaranteed not to get bored. It is a natural cat breed, it evolved without human intervention.


It’s easy to see from the name where this breed of cat originated. In Thailand, it is called wichienmaat, which translates as diamond moon. Ancient history of its development identical to Siamese, it was only around the 1950s that the two varieties began to diverge, and from the 1980s onwards there was a marked increase in interest in the more elegant varieties. While the majority of breeders favoured slim, slender kittens, there were many who preferred rounded shapes. So some people continued to breed for the traditional type, but at shows it was clearly the slimmer variety that was most often awarded. Breeders loyal to the original breed wanted to keep this type, even if the new Siamese had overshadowed their favourite.

Over time, the traditional version failed to meet the requirements expected at exhibitions, and fans of the more rounded type were, one might say, disheartened, some no longer even registered their beloved kittens. These cats were called classical or traditional Siamese and were then called Thai cats. It was registered as an official breed in 1990 by the World Cat Federation and in 2009 by TICA (The International Cat Association).

Mrs. Frederick H. Fleitman with her five cats at a cat show.

Breed standard

The Thai cat is amedium sized cat, weighing about 4 kg. Head medium sized, wedge shaped, longer than wider. The forehead is flat and moderately long, the top slightly curved. The cheeks are rounded, proportional to the rest of the head. Ears moderately large, broad at the ear, rounded at the tip. It has medium large oval eyes, deep blue in colour. Neck medium long, strong, chest medium deep. The limbs are elegant, medium long, the paws are oval. Its tail is as long as the cat’s body, with a rounded end. The coat is short, fine to the touch, shiny and smooth with a light undercoat. Colours can be in the classic Siamese shades of seal, lilac, chocolate and blue, as well as their tabby variants. Older cats may be slightly darker. It has an expected lifespan of about 15 years.


As mentioned above, the Thai cat is a very people-oriented, attention-seeking, highly lovable cat. He is very affectionate and always expresses his joy when his owner returns home from work. He greets him with his distinctive voice, because he is a very talkative cat, with Siamese blood in her veins. Despite this, he doesn’t make a fuss, but he’s a very naughty little thing, always up to something mischievous like a child. But whatever he does, you can’t be angry with him! He is such a loving and kind companion that he can sweep anyone off their feet in no time.

He is active, smart and curious, which is an exciting combination. If his sharp mind is not tired enough, he can certainly find something to do, but it may not be to everyone’s liking. It’s worth getting more intelligence games to keep him occupied. But of course he also loves to have fun with his owner, and after that he almost expects to be stroked on the sofa.

Ideal environment

The Thai cat is a great companion, but not suitable for households where the owner is away a lot. Because he is very demanding of attention and care, he can easily become lonely if he needs to be alone often. He is particularly fond of children, as he himself is like a curious child. Emotionally he is a very demanding cat. He is generally on good terms with both his owners and dogs, and if he has a furry friend he is much more tolerant of his owner’s absence.


Maintaining the coat does not require much effort, just a gentle combing once a week. However, it’s important to keep his ears and eyes clean and check them at regular intervals in case he has an infection. Claws should be cut if they are too long. However, one or two scrapers usually solve this problem. Make sure that his litter box is always clean and fresh, because like most cats, Thai cats are very clean.

Common health problems

Thai cats typically suffer from the same health problems as their Siamese cousins. Accordingly, individuals may have curved tail, and hydrocephalus. He may develop an eye disease called progressive retinal atrophy, but he may also develop albinism. Some individuals may have cancer or heart disease. However, it is important to note that overall, Thai cats are a healthy breed, rarely developing serious health problems.

(Literature: Laura Aceti – Viola Autieri: Legjobb barátunk, a macska)

cat breeds short-haired cat Siamese Thai cat

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